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The Approach

To develop accessible, inclusive, and sustainable public spaces that foster community engagement, enhance urban aesthetics, and support environmental health.
  • Community Engagement & Collaboration: Stakeholder Involvement and Participatory Design.
  • Accessibility & Inclusivity: Universal Design with cultural sensitivity.
  • Site-Specific Analysis: Comprehensive Assessment, Historical & Cultural Context
  • Environmental Sustainability: Biodiversity Enhancement, Resource Management and Climate Resilience
  • Aesthetic & Functional Design: Visual Appeal and Functional Zoning.
  • Safety & Security: Safe Environment with Emergency Preparedness
  • Dynamic & Adaptable Spaces: Flexible Use with sentitivity towards Phased Development.
  • Maintenance & Longevity: Sustainable Maintenance, Review & Adaptation.

Nallah Park

PUBLIC SPACES Muredha Nalla Park Pune Cantonment Board and Southern Command (Army) had 5acres of land in the heart of....

Udaan Biodiversity Park

PUBLIC SPACES Udaan Biodiversity Park A wasteland filled with construction debris at Viman Nagar, Pune was transformed into a Biodiversity....

Nallah Park

PUBLIC SPACES Muredha Nalla Park Pune Cantonment Board and Southern Command (Army) had 5acres of land in the heart of....

Udaan Biodiversity Park

PUBLIC SPACES Udaan Biodiversity Park A wasteland filled with construction debris at Viman Nagar, Pune was transformed into a Biodiversity....
Nallah Park

Nallah Park

PUBLIC SPACES Muredha Nalla Park Pune Cantonment Board and Southern Command (Army) had 5acres of land in the heart of the city which was categorized as a waste land and the brief was to convert it into usable public space and mitigate the foul smell of Nalla flowing through it.
Udaan Biodiversity Park

Udaan Biodiversity Park

PUBLIC SPACES Udaan Biodiversity Park A wasteland filled with construction debris at Viman Nagar, Pune was transformed into a Biodiversity park. A Recreational park for the neighborhood. A biodiverse ecosystem comprising 27 designed  butterfly species and 12 bird species.  A wasteland adding value to the neighborhood. An educational value addedness…
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